Friday, August 05, 2005

Hi Sara

Tonight I will work on downloading pictures for you.

Jay, Scott, Dad, Watson, and myself went bowling yesterday Watson and Dad tied!
Then came home and were in the football mood so Watson did think I had seen "Friday Night Lights," So we watched it.

This am Dad and Watson are cutting down branches from the died tree.

I'll try to send pictures of the black eye susans they are in full bloom.

Your fish miss you. I'm trying to make friends but I think they really know you're gone and are sad believe it or not.

Uncle Tom got stuff stolen out of their garage. bikes, mowers, tools, air compressure. Andy is ready to hunt down the thief.
Andy also gave four thumbs up (he said including this toes!) to the new penguin movie maybe we'll go see it sometime this week with Watson. I'll going to miss him when he goes.

It feels different not having you here you were such a part of things. But I soak up every bit of what you have to say about your adventure. I'm so exicted for you. So I'll share the stuff we shared here..... garden.... kid happening etc. with you still ......then I won't miss you so much.
I'll get those beastly brothers to write too.

I'll try to blog tonight.
Love mom

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