Monday, August 29, 2005

Hey Sara

Sorry I haven't been talkin to ya... my bad. Just at school now and starting the hardest classes ever. I got Physics, Gentics, Mircobio, Anatomy Lab (dead people ewwww), and some health care class. Yea life sucks but i know you did it and probably more so im cool. Anyways i saw the pics of the city. It looks like a bunch of fun. But hey I have to get going soon so ill blog you tomarrow. I hope this finds you in good health and smiling.
Your lil Bro

1 comment:

Sara said...

Thanks for making me smile. Even boring news about home makes me feel just a little closer. Africa is farther away than Haiti and its not as much fun cause its just a job (not like in Haiti where I was just doing projects everywhere) It just makes me miss you guys just a little more.

I'm glad that school has gotten a jump start for you. I'm very proud of all the hard work that you do. You are going to help lots of people in your life and it will be very rewarding work. Remember that when the homework gets hard. That's how I made through all 7 years of school that I went through.

Tell kels Hi for me. I am collecting different cool coins for her. So far i have a euro coin, and several from Benin. I'll get some other ones from the countries nearby. So she'll have a cool collection. :)
