Monday, August 08, 2005

Hey Beetle,
Even though you got your marching orders..... we can still stay in touch!! (aren't you impressed that I was able to download that picture all by myself....... I'll be a computer genuis by the time you get back'll be sooo proud........)
Happy Birthday..... everyone send their love. Kathy Vlcek called your hotel as Dad told you and I was really bummed I had it so Watson was going to call on the pay phone stop along his route and we were going to have a three way conversation.

So we can still do that sometime ... he can call the 800 number from Mark's house or a payphone and I can three way the phones.... anyway that way you can talk to Watson on our nickle.

How's that for a birthday gift.... is it the right size? color?........

Did you get your hair done yet? How's the pool? Well get this phone thing figured out.

Between you and Dad and Kathy Vlcek I'm sure will help out again if needed.

Love ya more that my luggage,

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