Wednesday, June 24, 2009

updates from california

It's F-ing hot today! (104 degrees currently... and we haven't reached the hottest part of the day). I was packing boxes and slowly preparing for the craziness in the months ahead, until I could do nothing more than play on the internet and post blogs in front of the air conditioner.

Summer for us is very busy. This weekend we are driving down to LA with a friend of ours to help her move. (I keep praying for a change of weather, since we will be driving through the desert in a U-haul).

The weekend of the 4th of July we are going up into the mountains with a few couples from church and their young children, which should be fun.

Then Kelly Eversole will show up and we will tour around SF with her.

Following that, we are off to Maui with the Schaff family for a week long vacation. Dietrich has plans to climb Mount Mouna Kea, which is actually the tallest mountain in the world base to peak, it just happens to start at sea level.

We'll get back from Hawaii with a week or two to find a place to live and make arrangements to move before we head to Michigan for the wedding. We'll be flying in to michigan on Monday August 3 and will stay until the 17th. This will give us time to help with the wedding and do stuff for the business.

After that, back to Cali to finish packing our house to move cause we have to be out of here around the 30th of August.

Adventures, adventures.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That sounds great sis. You sound like your doing well even in the super heat. Over here in GR, my room is currently 87 degrees and it has been dark for two hour. This new house I'm in just for the summer is nice but it gets really warm. So warm in fact that I put on a totally wet gym shirt last night just to fall asleep. Anyways... School is pretty hard right now. Now so much school but just busy life with zero fun. Oh well I guess I'll have enough fun in Aug. to make up for it. Good to hear from ya. Have a great time in Hawaii I hear its great this time of year. And by that I mean all the time!!!
