Sunday, June 07, 2009

Count down....

10 days till we have our ultrasound and find out whether little moo will come with a set of frank and beans or not. They won't let us film the ultrasound (bastards) but we might try to sneak something to post on Facebook anyways.

The last week or so has been filled with little signs of life. I felt the very first faint movements after eating a bowl of ice-cream. The baby got reved up like it was on speed or something and I could feel something like a tiny motor spinning around inside of me. Today, I wore maternity clothes for the first time. They are starting to fit and man I have a feeling that I am going to get huge.

Life otherwise is pretty calm. Ulrich is finishing work at the lab and will have the summer off to look for a job. I have been working to transition out of my role at the church so that the community remains strong without my leadership. It seems to be going well as new leaders are starting to emerge and things are clicking into place.

I will be traveling a bit over the summer. Looks like I have a pretty good chance of being in Michigan the week of the 22nd. Then, we may be renting a house in the mountains for a church retreat the weekend of the 4th of July. After that, Ulrich's family is planning to take a trip to Hawaii and we might tag along and enjoy one more nice vacation before reality really sets in.

Then comes wedding season - Adam and Kelsey kick off a series of 4 weddings that we will (hopefully, if baby is agreeable) attend from August till October. Which will take us to November when little moo will grace us with his presence.

Somewhere in there we are going to have to move (maybe twice), Ulrich will find a job, Chris will head to San Diego, and we will prep for the NAR show. Buckle up, keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, this should be a fun ride.

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