Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keeping it Alive!

Adam and I were talking last night about how we both feel like we've let our "goals duties" fall behind in the past couple weeks...I know I feel really bad about the fact that I haven't blogged in a couple weeks.  So - this is a shout out to everyone to keep up the good work and re-energize your efforts.  We'd love to hear updates from everyone on how it's going - feel free to keep everyone updated here! :-D  Let's keep each other motivated and accountable!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daily Bible Reading

Read the Bible in a Year!  Hey all ~ just thought I'd share the daily bible reading schedule our church is following. Just in case any of you feel the need/desire to get in the word more often :-)

Our dear Pasotr Mark just posted this on FB thought you would enjoy!!

And speaking of New Year's resolutions, here's a prayer that may help you: "Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know its ME!”

Monday, January 10, 2011


Not sure who has the ability to add more authors to this blog - probably Sara?  But I think that if we're going to be updating everyone on here (which I think is a great idea!) we should make sure everyone is invited.  We're currently missing:


At the least I guess maybe send out the sign-in info for the "Naab Family" account?

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Update from KZOO!!!

Hello All!!

Little update for ya. Dad and I started our talk about our goals and plan to read a book called "Every Man's Battle." Its a little crazy cause I am now reading 2 books at once which is unheard of in Adam land.

Next, Chris and I are doing well. He is making a lot of insights into his soul that are very honest and genuine. He is also taking steps to communicate much more respectfully. I have to say I am very proud of him.

So far the goals are going well.

Thanks for everyone commitment to this!!!

God bless,

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Goal updates

Hey Naabs,
Here's an update on goals that I know about:

1. Ulrich and Jay got together and put an action plan together for operation clean up
2. Toni and I reviewed finances together and she's off and running with (A great site for managing money and financial goals)
3. Kelsey and I put together a blog for exploring issues of faith and acceptance.

Year is off to a positive start, if only I could get myself better.