This book was recommended to me by a pastor I sat next to on a flight to florida a while back.
This book is about evaluating short term missions. In a nutshell the book suggest being good stewarts of what God give us by doing his work in accordance with scripture. Thus whenever we desire to do HIS work there are more components to it then the "physical act of work"
We must "sow" as we work. The book suggest that the American culture and the jump on the band wagon of STM (short term missions) has in instantances caused more harm then help.
When there is no relationship no atmosphere for sharing God's plan. When the people we are serving are not being served as they determine their needs are. Instead the needs are determined by the folks doing the mission trip often the money spent and the relationships were not for God purpose but rather the "God complex". Which is when Americans think we are all that and know best because of our bountifulness, opportunies, and education. The author then takes one through a process of evaluation that makes those being served collaboratories of a "joint venture" with the team desiring to serve. Many STM operations don't allow for the planning the relationship building and the partnering needed to allow the work done to produce "sowing"for those being served and spiritual growth for those on the mission team.
I realize that the education and the experiences you all had on STM helped give you a better understanding of the world and an appreciation for the blessings you had been given. And allows for this conversation to take place. I therefore see all past expereinces as a means of getting to this point.
So with the above in mind please give your thoughts and comments on how to move forward in our desire to serve..............I love the idea of serving with you all.
(The book, When helping Hurts, I read, is at Sara' s house I left it there for all to share.)
So here a few questions I would like to throw out there:
Since this is an ongoing desire of our family, is there a project we can do that is already built on an existing relationship?
If so how can we collaborate with those we want to help in order to "meet them where they are at?"
Since many trips are very costly in travel. Can we arrange a way to come together for a project
but eliminate much travel/lodging expense so that our funds can go directly to help those in need?
Perhaps we would be better to do a joint venture to "raise funds for a project" or to do a project for someone in one of our own backyards?
Let's keep in mind .....what is alread on the family calendar. Adam's class graduation (the one that is important to him) is July 16th.
Please list any other events that are of importance so that we can work around them as we move this discussion along.
Thank you for your time I would love to hear AAAALLLLL thoughts.
1 comment:
I'd love to maybe do something with a Native American Reservation out West - there is so much need there and the travel costs would be lower by keeping it domestic. But, of course, you all know that I am more than willing to go international! We would want to make the decision sooner than later though if there are some of us that might need to apply for passports?
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