Hello All!!
Little update for ya. Dad and I started our talk about our goals and plan to read a book called "Every Man's Battle." Its a little crazy cause I am now reading 2 books at once which is unheard of in Adam land.
Next, Chris and I are doing well. He is making a lot of insights into his soul that are very honest and genuine. He is also taking steps to communicate much more respectfully. I have to say I am very proud of him.
So far the goals are going well.
Thanks for everyone commitment to this!!!
God bless,
Thanks again for doing this Adam.
This Christmas felt like a little bit of a train wreck with all the sickness and such. You made it positive and I thank you for that.
I have lost 8 pounds from being sick great way to start a health regiment of weight lost. I am joining weight watchers today.
I have began reading the book When helping hurts. It goes into great length to discuss the helps and hurts caused by world mission from the American Christian because of our world view. And what they call the "God complex" very excellent book. I will give updates from time to time.
Scott has given me updates from time to time. Sara and I visited with Whit and Scott two weekends ago. It was a great visit even though Sara and I were both pretty sick. (we weren't feverish so we weren't contagious). I have been lead to pray for Scott, Whit, and the baby and the baby's family. God has a plan> I give thanks for his plan.
Hope you are all enjoy this new year. I love you all even when I don't show it. You are all my treasure on earth. Have a great week. Love you mom
Other updates from Kzoo:
Adam and I joined a gym - we've made it every day since Thursday! :-D
I'm re-reading parts of The Case for Faith and discussing it, amongst other issues, with Sara on a blog as the first step toward my spiritual goal.
Toni and I are piggybacking on each other's goals and she has joined our blog and I also signed up on mint.com - I haven't been able to use all of its toys yet, but I like it so far :)
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