Thursday, April 23, 2009

Helloooo Naab Family Blog!

Yay! I finally got blogger to work again! I had to jump through some hoops at the technology department...somehow blogger got blocked or something - although I have to go back and get them to allow access to blogspot too since the domain name changes when you want to actually SEE the blog. Agh!

Anyway, I'm glad that 1) I am now a part of the Naab family blog and 2) that it has been resurrected :)

I guess I don't really have much to add at the moment...just wanted to say hi and announce my ability to contribute haha.

It sounds like there is about to be a LOT of moving in the Naab family...Chris, Adam, Scott - everything is shaking up! There probably isn't much I can do to help from so far away...but if any research or coordination needs to be done I could potentially help in that area - just let me know!

Love and prayers from Costa Rica,


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