Thursday, November 10, 2005

We are ...The great debate was not all that great!

After plugging the tv into the car and watching wing by candle light due to windstorm. (we are dedicated to serving your west wing needs) the debate was very anti-climatic.
They went around and around on education. and I felt the whole thing was a chance for the writer to have a field day to write into the script what they would want to have the country due.

Vinnik said that head start did not work. So get rid of it. Santos head start works needs some fine tuning. Santos charter schools so parents can choose. Vinnik against education programs that take away education moeny from public schools.

The whole show was rather dry I thought. The whole show was the debate with viewers to vote who won the debate. It was a draw in my opinion. Vinnik had good points and so did Santos.
Santos had an idea to offer medicare to the entire nation because it is more effective and cost effectient that most hmos. Which I fine hard to believe. Get ya an up date from this week. It should be better. Adam was sick this weekend. So hopefully we'll get better info to you.

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