Pastor Brian shared with us along with the sermon to remind us that we get ashes on our forehead to remind us that "we came from ashes and to ashes we will return"
That a little boy asked his mother why we get ashes on our forehead and she replied "we came from dust and to dust we shall return" The little boy looks under his bed and says. Well then there is someone under my bed and I don't know if they're comin' or goin'"
Pastor Brian was on a roll. He talked about this guy is lutheran and moves into an all catholic neighborhood.
On the first friday of Lent. He goes out and cooks a big steak on his grill (for those of you who don't know catholics don't eat meat on friday) each friday during lent this guy eats his steak and all the men in the neighborhood decide they are going to convert him to catholicism before the next lenten season.
So he comes to their catholic church and the priest
sprinkles holy water on him and say, " you were baptized lutheran, raised lutheran, but you are now catholic.
All these guys are relieved that this guy will now be eating tuna on fridays during lent. Lent comes around and all the guys noses are out of joint because they smell steak from the converts backyard again. They all approach him and he is grilling a steak but has holy water that he is sprinkling on it and he says, You came from a cow you were butchered from a cow but now your a fish!" okay I guess you had to be there!!