So I can tell from the posts that football is in full flare. Tom wrote about the miracle of the lions beating packers and Jay is now doing what??? huffing up MSU football -- go find a cot at rogers house over thanksgiving cause blue don't share!
Speaking of, how is my alma matter doing this year? I hope that we have gotten our act together a little bit - I want to see my boyz on top!
In other football inquiries I request high school football update - Chelsea and Chris your team. Scott, what have you been doing? Contributing?? I want PICS!
Finally, WING! I want pics and narative.
Africa - Its wild. I went to Niger (Bachir's country) and I saw camels! I wasn't there long enough to ride one but they promised that next time I will (I'm going to ride a camel!) I will be traveling this week to villages so I will be a little off line. But soon I'm going to have DSL at home and will be able to write more frequently and add pics.