Friday, September 30, 2005

Both Leo and Santos get that fire in the eye look as they plan the administration. Santos wants to have everything in place and hit the ground running. He doesn't want to waste a second. Leo loves his energy and get catch up in it. Posted by Picasa

nice talking to you Josh and walkout of this office. Posted by Picasa

Josh doesn't promise her anything....She response to "I missed you" with (great he's not offering me the job after all I've done)  Posted by Picasa

Josh.... I can do the job I want the deputy secretary job (job he had for bartlett) Posted by Picasa

josh telling Donna... look at all the negative things you rwrote about Santos.. and you want a job in the administration....I have all these people to hire this job in a trip.... and boy I miss you. Posted by Picasa

Santos chatting iwth Leo Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 29, 2005


As leader of the West Wing cult we have started i would like to apoligize for dropping the ball this week. I seriously had no time. Im working like a dawg at this new job and school is a big pain. Anyways so mom got it right on basically. The only part i would high light is now leo has a real since of purpose and a drive that we haven't seen since last season when he came back with his 360 campaign. Anyways so thats that.... I dont have to work this weekend during wing so ill be all over it like a college kid on beer. ttyl
p.s. scott i dont care what girls like dont call your arms "guns"

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ssooo all you west wingers edit I realize it's sloppy but add where you can Posted by Picasa
photos to come this is the narrative....start at the bottom and work up. Next time we'll hav the captions under the photos. What do you expect for volunteer work!!! Posted by Picasa
Leo's eyes light up he sits up in his chair santos eyes light and the two start making plans...josh is out side the door of the glass office watching them someone comes up and ask josh what they are doing in there josh says with a josh smile they're making plans then just steps back and enjoys the moment Posted by Picasa
she does a great job of doing her job of shielding Leo from the press and protecting him as they keep bring up AA and how is Leo's health. She tells him what to say and Leo is getting used to the idea of her running cover for him. The president introduces an education bill. Santos camp --Leo and Josh go to the white house to run interferance for the education bill because it is taking away from the campaign. but Jud says to Leo if you were here what would you suggest I do. Leo skirts the issue and says we will be better equiped to produce a better education bill the president response I'm already here and the is not promise you "guys" will be next. I have to take the shot and you know it Leo and Leo agrees. Leo then goes to the press and says that the administration has a good plan that's a foot in mouth response and the Santos camp is all over Leo. Leo sits down in Santos' office and says "I screwed up with the press today...santos...i know....let's move on.Leo you have to go on the today show and talk about aa and your heart attack. Leo "I think it's better to ignore it" Santos, you ignore it and that's all they will let me talk about . I can't campaign unless you talk about it. Leo,,,Do you want to fire me... you can still get someone else......Santos...I don't want to fire you .. if you want out you will have to quit...I don't want out.....I guess I'm not use to being in this position. Santos, "I did want you because you knew how to campaign I wanted you because you know how to run a country. Posted by Picasa
Then pause and Jud Bartlett says "Here comes the President" Josh comes running up and then they play the beginning music and starts showing those in the showing showing Alan Alda first. The caption at the bottom reads "three years earlier" and were back to Santos announcing his candiance with Leo as the running mate. Josh takes Santos and Loe to the national headquarters. The tiny petite press secretary who took cj place is now in charge of Leo. Leo complains that he doesn't need a "babysitter" and she Posted by Picasa
Dad will be home wednesday ....but to give you a little from west wing......The openingJud Bartlett who is walking with a cane walks up to cj with Danny behind her and says do you have any photos of the baby and Danny replies their coming. He looks to the mideast know it all girl and says "I read your book" Posted by Picasa

He's not impressed that he with the latest in the baby butterfly collection! But he's sure cute!! Posted by Picasa

In anticipation for west wing photos.. here's a little more Gabe Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26, 2005

I will hold down the fort

I am now the kind of this castle. and when you all ocme back things will be a little different around here. no im just messen. but i have been working out so jay, adam watch out. Chirs i left you out for a reason. and by the way adam. i have so you beat for being skinny. o yes i am the shit. but i wont lie it is a little quiet and boring as hell here sometimes. but im holding it down and football is keeping me plently busy. but the beast inside of mom has final be calmed, and it is a great thing. but i hope everyone is having a great time. Sara i hope everything is great. we all love you and miss you. Can we make a deal that you dont get sick anymore. but everyone have a great week more updates n Chelsea Football will be coming your way. Be Safe and Have Fun to all.
~Guns ( well water pistols but the chicks dig it)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The cold hard truth

I think that MSU might have U of M's number this year. But that doesn't really matter it wouldn't really be a rivalry if the crap team didn't win once in a while. this Drew Stanton kid is the real deal for sure but I hope he breaks his legs. So, live it up you MSU butt sause jerks. But as for other updates my football team is 2-3 with a big win last Thurs. 55-0 over Flint Central. We have a good chance of finishing out the season strong and end with a winning record. Internural football starts soon which is going to be sweet. Anyways I have three papers and three tests and a presentation this week. (gun to my head covered in bees) so it is homework time.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

go bulldogs! Posted by Picasa

Scott's team under the lights Posted by Picasa

This is a young couple dad really got to know. By the time dad left the older gentleman offered rent free living and Regie and his wife had furniture, a car and both had jobs. She is 7 months pg. Posted by Picasa

birmingham, AL-where dad helped Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Football and Wing

So I can tell from the posts that football is in full flare. Tom wrote about the miracle of the lions beating packers and Jay is now doing what??? huffing up MSU football -- go find a cot at rogers house over thanksgiving cause blue don't share!

Speaking of, how is my alma matter doing this year? I hope that we have gotten our act together a little bit - I want to see my boyz on top!

In other football inquiries I request high school football update - Chelsea and Chris your team. Scott, what have you been doing? Contributing?? I want PICS!

Finally, WING! I want pics and narative.

Africa - Its wild. I went to Niger (Bachir's country) and I saw camels! I wasn't there long enough to ride one but they promised that next time I will (I'm going to ride a camel!) I will be traveling this week to villages so I will be a little off line. But soon I'm going to have DSL at home and will be able to write more frequently and add pics.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

CHRIS you are correct sir

Jay does need to die. He called me last night and started talking a sick amount of trash. To bad they are going to lose to the fighting irish in about an hour from now. Jay, MSU SUCKS AT FOOTBALL IT"S AS MUCH ABSOLUTE AS GRAVITY. Once you learn this the better your life will become. OH yea, what up sara

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Chillin' @ CMU

First thing is first we all have to gang up and KILL Jay. The spartins suck and you know it. secondly, to Sara keep up the good work and stuff in Africa. If there were more of you they could use you in New Orleans but right now you would just be another resourse that the government has no idea how to use. so staying where you can really help is the best idea. to everyone else it is nice to feel the support of a family that really cares.

God bless

Monday, September 12, 2005

Greetings from Emmons B330

Hey Sara, how are you doin. I'm settling in here pretty well here. I was right, I'm running this place. I got some kick ass classes, a kick ass schedule, and some cool ass profs. My writing prof is the hippy version of MR. ROGERS! The nicest guy in the world, but, oh, what a hippy. I figured how I'm gonna hold down college. Since you already have the acedemic scene covered I got the financial scene. I'm saving and making $ like no other. I hope you're having a good time and I miss you tons! GO SPARTANS (I hope you all see that)!


p.s. I haven't missed a class yet, aren't you proud

Proud Grandpa! Posted by Picasa

He's so darn cute! Posted by Picasa

Jenny is back to her skinny self. She came out with baby. Shawn is volunteering at their school with the displace folk from New Orleans. And he has finales right now so it was great to see Jenny and Gabe. We have more pictures that Len took at grandma and grandpas everyone send their love. I'll send you a really newy blog when I get the rest of the photos from Len Posted by Picasa

And we thought you guys had neat toys check out his bad ride! Posted by Picasa

Isn't he a happy guy! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 08, 2005

idea about blogging west wing

how about I and dad watch west wing and with the digital camera give you twent photos, i've learned to get pretty good at down load fast. adam can come behind and add more commits. how does that sound adam and sara?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Little update

I dont know how much u have heard but this is no more New Orleans or Mobile, Alabama. Mom says its the WWII of our generation. Dad went down for a few days to help and I wanna go down for spring break to build houses. Anyways how are you doing. What are you doing!! lol Only 15 days till WEST WING BABY. Alright well i thought id drop u a line.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Need advise

So i was trying to figure out all the classes i have left and it came out to be around 50 credit hours. So the question is should i try to get them all in 3 semsters or wait and get better grades and go a semester into my fifth year?
Love ya